Scientific name: Entacmaea quadricolor
Size: Up to 15.8 inches maximum
Color: Variable color
Distinguishing feature: Tentacles rounded at the end resembling a bulb
Where did we see it: Thailand, Mayotte, Raja Ampat
Scientific name: Entacmaea quadricolor
Size: Up to 15.8 inches maximum
Color: Variable color
Distinguishing feature: Tentacles rounded at the end resembling a bulb
Where did we see it: Thailand, Mayotte, Raja Ampat
Anemones of the type "entacmaea" have no warts on their column.
It can move, when we see some who are more than 15.8 inches, it is often young people from 2 to 4 inches who have gathered.
Two hypotheses for the bulb at the end of the tentacles: either the absorption of light creates this bulb and shrinks the tentacle, or it would be in reaction to the presence of symbiotic damselflies.
Turtles are in economy mode when they are sleeping. If they are woken during night, they may not have enough air to return to surface.
So, please be careful during night dives!
Some sharks can stay motionless on the sand (white tips reef sharks, nurse sharks, etc.).
These sharks don't have to swim to bring oxygen to their gills like other sharks (grey, hammerheads tc.)
Parrotfish create a protective envelope around them when they are sleeping.
So, don't put the light on them during night dive to don't to wake them up and break this envelope.