Scientific name: Heteractis magnifica
Size: 11.8 to 19.8 inches, up to 39.4 inches
Color: magenta, blue, green, white or brown
Distinguishing feature: Tentacles in the shape of fingers of 3.2 inches max, biotope very exposed to the current, can contract in "ball" mode
Where did we see it: Bali and Gili, Zanzibar, Thailand, French polynesia, Mayotte, Maldives, Raja Ampat
Scientific name: Heteractis magnifica
Size: 11.8 to 19.8 inches, up to 39.4 inches
Color: magenta, blue, green, white or brown
Distinguishing feature: Tentacles in the shape of fingers of 3.2 inches max, biotope very exposed to the current, can contract in "ball" mode
Where did we see it: Bali and Gili, Zanzibar, Thailand, French polynesia, Mayotte, Maldives, Raja Ampat
This anemone lives in symbiosis with seaweeds that provide a part of its food through their photosynthesis. Once installed, it will stop to move.
It is known to shelter until 12 different species of clownfish. They find their anemones to it smell.
There are places where this anemone is visible in large quantities, like a huge submarine field. It would be the basis of an individual who separated by scissiparity.
Turtles are in economy mode when they are sleeping. If they are woken during night, they may not have enough air to return to surface.
So, please be careful during night dives!
We can hear the bull shark is very dangerous because of attacks near La Réunion island.
However, tens of them are living at 600 feet from the famous beach of Playa Del Carmen in Mexico. And there are no attacks.
The kakihona sushi (sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves) are really the best!
To eat them, you have to go to Nara!