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Walking shark

Scientific name: Hemiscyllium ocellatum

Size: From 2,3 to 3,3 feet

Color: Beige and brown

Distinguishing feature: This fairly small shark crawls on the ground with these fins when moving. His body is composed of multiple brown and black spots.

Where did we see it: Raja Ampat

Walking shark of Raja Ampat

Walking shark

Scientific name: Hemiscyllium ocellatum

Size: From 2,3 to 3,3 feet

Color: Beige and brown

Distinguishing feature: This fairly small shark crawls on the ground with these fins when moving. His body is composed of multiple brown and black spots.

Where did we see it: Raja Ampat

In detail

This passive shark moves very little, you will have a better chance of seeing it move on a night dive!

It has two large black spots behind his head on each side of his body.

Unlike other sharks, they have to chew their food for 5 to 10 minutes. His teeth have disappeared to leave room for a flat surface to break the prey shell.

The different species of Sharks we have seen

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