Scientific name: Synchiropus picturatus
Size: Between 2,4 and 3,2 inches
Color: Orange, green and blue
Distinguishing feature: Has orange and blue circles
Where did we see it: Raja Ampat
Scientific name: Synchiropus picturatus
Size: Between 2,4 and 3,2 inches
Color: Orange, green and blue
Distinguishing feature: Has orange and blue circles
Where did we see it: Raja Ampat
This fish is mainly found in northern Australia.
Less shy than its red and blue version, it is easier to see. For this you will have to go to very specific places, about 5am or 5pm. Do not hesitate to ask to the local people ;).
He is very awesome but suffers from being fashionable for aquariums fans.
We can hear the bull shark is very dangerous because of attacks near La Réunion island.
However, tens of them are living at 600 feet from the famous beach of Playa Del Carmen in Mexico. And there are no attacks.
Turtles are in economy mode when they are sleeping. If they are woken during night, they may not have enough air to return to surface.
So, please be careful during night dives!
Mammals have a horizontal tail.
Fishes have a vertical fin.