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Humbug damselfish

Scientific name: Dascyllus aruanus

Size: About 3.5 inches

Color: Black and white

Distinguishing feature: Small triangular fish living in shoal. White body, 3 vertical black bands, a black band on the dorsal. Translucent tail.

Where did we see it: Bali and Gili, Zanzibar, Thailand, Mayotte, Maldives, Raja Ampat

Humbug damselfish of Mayotte

Humbug damselfish

Scientific name: Dascyllus aruanus

Size: About 3.5 inches

Color: Black and white

Distinguishing feature: Small triangular fish living in shoal. White body, 3 vertical black bands, a black band on the dorsal. Translucent tail.

Where did we see it: Bali and Gili, Zanzibar, Thailand, Mayotte, Maldives, Raja Ampat

In detail

This humbug damselfish sometimes lives with Dascyllus melanurus who is a damsel with a black band ending on the tail.

This fish lives in colony from 2 to 40 individuals, often ten.

It is often a harem chaired by a large male.

The different species of Damselfish we have seen

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