Scientific name: Taeniura lymma
Size: About 28 inches
Color: Grey and blue
Distinguishing feature: Dotted with blue dots all over the dorsal surface
Where did we see it: Zanzibar, Thailand, Mexico, Mayotte, Maldives, Raja Ampat, Egypt
This ray hunts in the sand and moves by waving its wings.
It has a dart along its tail, which can be dangerous in case of bites on the man, but the blue spotted stingray don't attack, just be careful and don't hurt it.
This ray breathes through the top of the head and exhales from the bottom, allowing it to not suck sand.
We can hear the bull shark is very dangerous because of attacks near La Réunion island.
However, tens of them are living at 600 feet from the famous beach of Playa Del Carmen in Mexico. And there are no attacks.
The whale shark is the largest fish in the world!
Some whales are larger, but they are mammals, not fish!
Mammals have a horizontal tail.
Fishes have a vertical fin.