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Sarasvati Anemone Shrimp

Scientific name: Ancylomenes sarasvati

Size: About 1 inch

Color: Transparent and blue

Distinguishing feature: Transparent with blue spots, spotted in anemones

Where did we see it: Thailand, Raja Ampat

Sarasvati Anemone Shrimp of Raja Ampat

Sarasvati Anemone Shrimp

Scientific name: Ancylomenes sarasvati

Size: About 1 inch

Color: Transparent and blue

Distinguishing feature: Transparent with blue spots, spotted in anemones

Where did we see it: Thailand, Raja Ampat

In detail

This shrimp is not very easy to spot, being quite small.

These are cleaner shrimps that clean the mouths and fins of larger fish, which spot them with its large antennae.

The different species of Shrimps we have seen

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