Scientific name: Zanclus cornutus
Size: Up to 9,5 inches
Color: White, black and yellow
Distinguishing feature: Yellowish-white disc-shaped body, with two vertical black bands. Tubular muzzle with an orange spot. Caudal fin with a white border. Long dorsal fin, whip-shaped.
Where did we see it:
Scientific name: Zanclus cornutus
Size: Up to 9,5 inches
Color: White, black and yellow
Distinguishing feature: Yellowish-white disc-shaped body, with two vertical black bands. Tubular muzzle with an orange spot. Caudal fin with a white border. Long dorsal fin, whip-shaped.
Where did we see it:
It's easy to have a mistake between a moorish idol and a bannerfish, but it have a muzzle that is truly tubular compared to bannerfishes. In addition, it's also the only one to have a black tail.
It's a common fish, appearing in groups of 2 or 3, or even whole shoal in the Indian Ocean.
It's a fish very similar to surgeon fish, it differs from it by the absence of a scalpel-shaped spine on the caudal pedicle.
This fish lives about ten years.
He is the only representative of the Zanclus type.
The whale shark is the largest fish in the world!
Some whales are larger, but they are mammals, not fish!
The kakihona sushi (sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves) are really the best!
To eat them, you have to go to Nara!
Parrotfish create a protective envelope around them when they are sleeping.
So, don't put the light on them during night dive to don't to wake them up and break this envelope.