Scientific name: Dardanus guttatus
Size: the visible part was 5.9 inches
Color: reddish and blue
Distinguishing feature: White spots on reddish legs, knees are blue
Where did we see it: Mayotte
Scientific name: Dardanus guttatus
Size: the visible part was 5.9 inches
Color: reddish and blue
Distinguishing feature: White spots on reddish legs, knees are blue
Where did we see it: Mayotte
This hermit crab is present in the Indo-Pacific zone.
It usually lives in narrow conical shells but can be seen in other shape shells.
The kakihona sushi (sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves) are really the best!
To eat them, you have to go to Nara!
Parrotfish create a protective envelope around them when they are sleeping.
So, don't put the light on them during night dive to don't to wake them up and break this envelope.
Mammals have a horizontal tail.
Fishes have a vertical fin.