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Scientific name: Cephea cephea

Size: From 4 to 6 inches

Color: blue and translucent

Distinguishing feature: Big jellyfish. A blue disk surmounted by an organ with about 30 swellings. Under the disc, mouth-shaped arms like cauliflowers with very fine firmaments.

Where did we see it: Egypt

Cephea of Egypt


Scientific name: Cephea cephea

Size: From 4 to 6 inches

Color: blue and translucent

Distinguishing feature: Big jellyfish. A blue disk surmounted by an organ with about 30 swellings. Under the disc, mouth-shaped arms like cauliflowers with very fine firmaments.

Where did we see it: Egypt

In detail

This jellyfish is different from others because of its swellings above the disc.

It is present throughout the Indo-Pacific, from the Red Sea to Polynesia.

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