Scientific name: Pardachirus pavoninus
Size: Up to 9.9 inches
Color: Light or dark brown
Distinguishing feature: Flat fish. Light tasks (yellow) more or less round and edged with black.
Where did we see it: Mexico
Scientific name: Pardachirus pavoninus
Size: Up to 9.9 inches
Color: Light or dark brown
Distinguishing feature: Flat fish. Light tasks (yellow) more or less round and edged with black.
Where did we see it: Mexico
This fish secretes a toxin called pavonin that diffuses mucus which covers the body and which is deadly to small fish. This also has a repulsive effect on sharks.
We can hear the bull shark is very dangerous because of attacks near La Réunion island.
However, tens of them are living at 600 feet from the famous beach of Playa Del Carmen in Mexico. And there are no attacks.
The kakihona sushi (sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves) are really the best!
To eat them, you have to go to Nara!
The tiger shark has slender marks similars to the lines of tigers, hence its name.
When it is juvenile, these marks are round and not vertical. They change when it grows.